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Gendering Logistics. Feminist approaches for the Analysis of Supply-Chain Capitalism

Autore: A cura di: Carlotta Benvegnù, Niccolò Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti, Evelina Gambini, Floriano Milesi, Irene Peano, Maurilio Pirone

Editore: AMSActa

Terzo volume per la collana I Quaderni di Into the Black Box

This collection of essays seeks to intervene in the lively discussions about logistical capitalism within and beyond academia, by unearthing the multiple ways in which gender underwrites global circulation. The essays gathered here build on a wide array of feminist and post-colonial works from a range of disciplines, adding to the already existing wealth of analyses that discuss the complex imbrications of processes of gendering and racialization within projects of accumulation on a global scale and across different temporalities. Crucially, we contend that addressing these issues through an explicitly logistical gaze does not amount merely to a reformulation of the insights of these important bodies of work, but rather it is the result of the political urgency to name and counteract the specific mechanisms through which contemporary capitalism shapes our lives and extracts from them. This e-book thus provides a range of interventions which, however diverse, all place gender at the core of a critical analysis of global flows and mechanisms of extraction. Across these chapters readers will find interrogations of the role of pre-existing taxonomies of gender, often in their articulations to those of race, in sustaining and compounding logistical circulation, as well as examples of the ways in which these are reworked – or even created anew – by the imperative of connectivity. We contend that it is by observing these complex and at times awkward intersections that we can start sketching an opposition to the violence enshrined in the pursuit of seamless flows.


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