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Fear and courage. The dictatorship and resistance in the literature of political confinement

26 Marzo 2019

ore: 17:30

Lecture by Elizabeth Leake (Columbia University, USA). This project examines a specific aspect of the Fascist regime’s juridical practices—internal exile-- from a cultural perspective, through analyses of the varieties of self-expression used by prisoners. There has been an explosion since the early 1990s of works devoted to representations of confino experiences, including theoretical, historical, and regional studies. This boom comes after a relative dearth of works devoted to the subject, a dearth that extends essentially to the end of World War II. Unlike texts published during the 1930s-‘40s (say, those of Lussu or Jacometti), which were published with the goal of educating an uninformed but politically like-minded readership, the new wave of confino books does not share the same goals as the first generation, or adhere to any stylistic or generic norms in the same way the first wave did.

L'evento fa parte della rassegna

ISA Lectures 2019

dal 22 Gennaio al 17 Dicembre 2019

Palazzo Marchesini, Sala Rossa (Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna)

Ingresso libero

Conferenze tenute in lingua inglese dai Visiting Fellows dell'Istituto di Studi Avanzati

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