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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

The dark history and troubling present of eugenics

20 Maggio 2022

ore: 17:30

Archiginnasio, Sala dello Stabat Mater (Piazza Galvani, 1 - Bologna)

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A keynote lecture by Adam Rutherford based on his latest book: "Control: The dark history and troubling present of eugenics". The public lecture is part of the European Social Science Genomics Network Conference that will take place in Bologna on 18-20 May 2022. The event is sponsored by the ESRC Centre on Micro-Social Science (MiSoC) and the European Research Council.

Adam Rutherford is a scientist, writer and broadcaster. He has written and presented award-winning programmes for the BBC, including Radio 4’s ‘Inside Science’ and ‘The Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry’ with Hannah Fry. He is the author of ‘Creation’, shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize, ‘A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived’, ‘The Book of Humans’, the Sunday Times bestselling ‘How to Argue with a Racist’ and the co-author of Rutherford and Fry’s ‘Complete Guide to Absolutely Everything (Abridged)’.