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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

Delivering on the Increasing Demand for High Quality Invertebrates

dal 5 al 9 Settembre 2022

ore: 15:00

Complesso San Giovanni in Monte, Aula Prodi (Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2 - Bologna)

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15th Workshop of the IOBC Global Working Group on Mass Rearing & Quality Assurance (MRQA)

The workshop objective is to explore opportunities for advancing the rearing of high quality entomophagous and phytophagous insects and mites, entomopathogenic nematodes, and other invertebrates for plant and animal pest management, human and animal food, and a variety of other uses.
