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Home Agenda eventi 2023 International EARA-EASP-EAPP meeting “Building Inclusive Identities”

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International EARA-EASP-EAPP meeting “Building Inclusive Identities”

dal 18 al 22 Settembre 2023

Dipartimento di Psicologia (Viale Berti Pichat, 5 - Bologna)

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Identity has been a focal issue for the studies of psychology from the very beginning of this science. Social psychology has given a strong contribution to highlighting the role of social identity in intergroup relationships, with specific reference to intergroup discrimination. Research in developmental psychology has highlighted the role of identity dynamics as iterative processes through which individuals acquire identities by exploring options, getting committed or reconsidering their choices. Personality psychology has highlighted the role of individual differences in leading to particular identity configurations. This Multidisciplinary RKTS (Research Knowledge Transfer Scheme) initiative aims to bring together these perspectives and epistemologies with the role of reaching a cross-fertilized, integrated picture of how people compose their identities. A diverse group of 24 early career scholars from three European associations will have the possibility, in collaboration with six senior scholars acting as facilitators, to develop joint research projects.
