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University Highlights: key resolutions - June 2024

The June meetings of the Governing Bodies covered topics such as the Annual Report by the Confidential Counsellor, Appointments of Members of Investigative Committees, Italian Erasmus Agreement, 2024/2025 Professional Master’s Programmes


Annual Report by the Confidential Counsellor

 Professor Fiorella Giusberti, the Confidential Counsellor, has presented her annual report. This institutional figure is responsible for addressing discrimination and harassment in work and study environments, as outlined in the new Statute (art. 17) among the University’s Governing Bodies. The Counsellor handled 89 reports during the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. These reports were divided among students (15%), PhD candidates and research fellows (20%), academic staff (39%), and technical-administrative staff (26%). A significant majority of reports were from women (65%). The most frequently addressed issues included moral harassment and workplace conflicts. In-person meetings were held with the involved parties to find preferred or acceptable solutions.

Initiation of Self-Assessment Process According to AVA3 Guidelines
As part of the University’s self-assessment and accreditation activities, preliminary phases have been organised and planned to meet AVA3 system requirements. Fourteen representatives have been identified for the 24 "Points of Attention" required by AVA standards. This "Self-Assessment Working Group" will draft the self-assessment documents, supported by a "Coordination Group" responsible for the overall review. The final version of the self-assessment will be presented to the University’s Governing Bodies on 19 and 26 November 2024.


Appointments of Members of Investigative Committees

The new University Statute (art. 8) establishes mixed Investigative Committees composed of members from the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors. These Bodies have appointed their members to the Committees on Budget, Buildings, Personnel, Research and Third Mission, Taxes, and Students. Additionally, members of the Student Council, Academic Senate, and Board of Governors have been appointed to the University Teaching Committee. The composition of the Teaching and Preliminary Commissions can be consulted on the University website.


Italian Erasmus Agreement
The agreement for student mobility between the Universities of Bologna, Pavia, and Catania, as part of the "Italian Erasmus" programme by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), has been approved. During the initial experimental phase, the agreement will cover some master’s and combined bachelor's and master's degree programmes. The University will not send out students in this phase but will host incoming mobility students, with a maximum of 40 from each of the two partner universities and four per degree programme. Scholarships are available for students with an ISEE not exceeding €36,000.

2024/2025 Professional Master’s Programmes

 The professional master’s programmes for the 2024/2025 academic year will include 123 programmes, of which 14 are new. The University aims to promote high-quality professional education that meets labour market needs and aligns with the strategic objectives of its Departments and proposing bodies. The goal is to gradually integrate professional master’s programmes with bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degree programmes.


Collaboration Agreement with ATERSIR
The renewal of the framework collaboration agreement between the University of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna Territorial Agency for Water and Waste Services (ATERSIR) has been approved. The agreement will continue to support joint activities in teaching and training, as well as scientific research, particularly in the fields of integrated water services and waste management.

Action Plan for Implementing CoARA Principles
The University’s Action Plan for implementing the principles of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) has been approved. CoARA proposed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA). The University of Bologna, together with the CNR, leads the Italian National Chapter of CoARA, which includes 45 participants. The approved Action Plan will help align the University’s research assessment practices with CoARA principles.


Support for Students from Gaza Universities

The University of Bologna will provide support to students enrolled in Gaza universities whose education has been disrupted by the ongoing conflict. For the academic year 2024-2025, support will include: facilitation of enrolment in single learning activities; total exemption from tuition fees for single learning activities or degree programmes; and a call for 15 scholarships of €10,000 each.


University Regulation for Visiting Professors and Researchers
The new regulation for hosting visiting professors and researchers at the University has been approved. It outlines the definitions, roles, selection procedures, rights and duties, and registration in the "Visiting.Unibo.it" system. To qualify as a visiting professor (engaged in teaching, including seminars) or a visiting researcher (engaged in study or research), a stay of no less than 15 days and no more than 12 months is required.

Cooperation Agreements with Non-EU Universities
Framework cooperation agreements have been renewed with several non-EU universities for staff and student mobility: Thomas Jefferson University (USA); University of Adelaide (Australia); Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil); Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Colombia); Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru); Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada).


Three-Year Strategic Plans of the Departments

The guidelines for the 2025-2027 strategic planning of the Departments, proposed by the Quality Assurance Office (PQA), have been approved. This allows the strategic planning processes for 2025-2027 and the annual departmental self-assessment processes to develop in parallel and support each other.

The guidelines aim to outline the departmental strategic planning process, particularly its timing and integration with the annual self-assessment process and provide guidance on the departmental quality assurance system.

Annual Review of Departments
The Governing Bodies have also approved the guidelines for the 2024 self-assessment of Departments, degree programmes, and PhD programmes.

From this year, the Quality Assurance Office (PQA) has decided to replace the Annual Form for Research/Third Mission with the strategic planning guidelines and the Annual Departmental Review document, which aims to monitor departmental indicators and data to define annual actions to achieve the goals outlined in the Departmental strategic plan.

Performance Report 2023
The Performance Report highlighting the organisational and individual results achieved in 2023, based on the objectives set out in the Integrated Activity and Organisation Plan (PIAO), has been approved.

This important tool allows the administration to report the achieved results to internal and external stakeholders Additionally, the 2023 edition of the Performance Report includes the ninth edition of the Gender Equality Report. Both are essential components of the extended non-financial reporting system that the University has adopted for years, alongside the Sustainability Report.

Sustainability Report
The Sustainability Report, which reports on the University’s values, actions, and results while considering the UN 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has been approved.

The document results from consultations with the University’s stakeholders, particularly the communities of teachers, researchers, students, and technical-administrative staff, who contributed to defining its content.


Vertical Progressions for Technical-Administrative Staff

 The regulation for vertical progressions (D. Lgs 75/2017) has been repealed, and the Regulation for Progressions between Areas (art. 52 of D. Lgs 30 March 2001, n. 165 and the current sector CCNL) reserved for permanent technical-administrative staff at the University has been approved.

Faculty Mobility within the University
The Board of Governors, with the favourable opinion of the Academic Senate, has approved 12 faculty mobility procedures within the University for 2024. These include three interdepartmental mobility procedures and nine intra-departmental mobility procedures.


New Protocol for Specialist Training of Medical Graduates

The new "Protocol of Understanding for the Specialist Training of Medical and Surgical Graduates" has been signed. This document updates the previous one from 2006 and establishes a "Coordination and Verification

Committee for Specialisation Schools," composed equally of University and Regional Health Service Companies, chaired by the Rector or a delegate. Key aspects of the new Protocol include recognising the value of joint planning, defining the composition of training networks, introducing the "General Rotation Plan," and recognising the principles of "guided participation," "bound autonomy," and "non-substitution of the specialist trainee’s activity with regular staff."


Guidelines for Participation in External Entities

The guidelines for the University of Bologna's participation in external entities (inter-university centres, consortia, directly-participated companies, foundations, and associations) have been approved. These guidelines aim to monitor the consistency of the activities conducted with the University's goals and objectives, the economic, financial, and asset sustainability of the involved entities, and the potential liability impacts on the University, from a risk management perspective.

All resolutions are available on: OrganiWeb and Intranet.