Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.
dal 3 al 30 Aprile 2003
The Johns Hopkins University The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies The Bologna Center 18:30, THURSDAY, APRIL 03 The UN, Justice, and the International Criminal Court Thomas M. Countryman Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs, Embassy of the United States of America, Rome Guido Franzinetti Research Fellow, University of Eastern Piedmont and Professorial Lecturer in European Studies, The Johns Hopkins SAIS Bologna Center. 19:00, TUESDAY, APRIL 29 Financial and Political Risks in U.S. Direct Foreign Investment Reid W. Click Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs, The George Washington University, The Elliott School of International Affairs. (Part of the World Gold Council Seminar Series). 19:00, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 Russian Foreign Policy and its Internal Determinants Victor Zaslavsky Professor of Political Sociology, The Free International University for Social Sciences, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome. Please note that due to circumstances beyond our control, scheduled events are sometimes subject to change or even cancellation. Please contact Ms. Alessandra Nacamù at the Bologna Center for confirmation of events.