Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.
12 Maggio 2003
Monday, MAY 12th 2003 Room “Sala Affrescata”, SITLeC, corso Diaz 64, Forlì, 2.00 p.m. - 16.00 p.m. Daniel Gagnon, Novelist and translator, Montréal "Translating /Writing as Inter-cultural Practice" Lecture Host: Prof. Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli Promoted and sponsored by Ser.In.Ar. and SITLeC Monday, MAY 12th 2003 Room “Sala Affrescata”, SITLeC, corso Diaz 64, Forlì, 4.00 p.m.-5.30 p.m. Prof. Agnes Whitfield, York University - Toronto Is it time for a cultural turn in translation pedagogy? Seminar Hosts: Prof. Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli, Prof. Guy Aston Promoted and sponsored by SSLMIT and SITLeC