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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

How can nature help protect communities from natural disasters? Concepts and Practices

14 Ottobre 2020

ore: 13:30

Evento online

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The first in a series of OPERANDUM webinars to learn all about the potential of Nature-based Solutions to manage disaster risk in rural areas. Learn how co-designed, innovative Nature-based Solutions can achieve targeted disaster risk and climate resilience goals, while providing economic and environmental benefits, as well as community empowerment.

L'evento fa parte della rassegna

Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction in rural areas

dal 14 Ottobre 2020 al 30 Novembre 2021

Rassegna online

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A consortium led by University of Bologna and supported by UNESCO’s Section of Earth Sciences and Geo-Hazards Risk Reduction joined forces to address this challenge within the EU-funded OPERANDUM project. Here is a series of OPERANDUM webinars to learn all there is to know about the potential of Nature-based Solutions to manage disaster risk in rural areas.

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