Building back better: can we make access to higher education across the world more equitable after the pandemic?
29 Ottobre 2021
ore: 14:00
Evento online
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This World Access to Higher Education (WAHED) project led by Professor Graeme Atherton of the National Education Opportunities Network (UK) will engage leading global stakeholders in tertiary education to identify where innovative practice & policy making in equitable access and success in higher education exists. We would like to invite signatories of the Magna Charta Observatory Network to participate in an online discussion roundtable session exploring how we can make equity in HE a priority in forthcoming years. How did the pandemic affect your most vulnerable/minority learners? How are you prioritising equitable access/success in your university? What are policymakers doing to support this agenda and what more can be done? Have new activities emerged or show signs of emerging which can make HE access and success more equitable?