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Home Agenda eventi 2021 Unibo Master Students discuss EU Foreign Policy Towards Belarus, Russia and...

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Unibo Master Students discuss EU Foreign Policy Towards Belarus, Russia and Turkey

27 Aprile 2021

ore: 11:00

Evento online su Microsoft Teams

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The event participates in the Conference on the Future of Europe. It is part of the EuLab workshops project, which aims at promoting European citizenship, thanks to an agreement between the Department of Political and Social Sciences and Europe Direct Point of the Region Emilia-Romagna.. In this seminar graduate students present three case studies of the EU foreign policy and discuss them with Antonio Parenti, Representative of the EU Commission in Italy. Opening: Riccardo Cucconi (Europe Direct Emilia-Romagna); coordinator: Pina Lalli (Deputy Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences - University of Bologna). Presenters: Francesca Ongaro, Fabiola Ruosi, Angela Trentin, "EU foreign policy towards Belarus"; Maddalena Gambato, "EU foreign policy towards Russia"; Nada Bou Dargham, Jannis Ruoff "EU foreign policy towards Turkey". Discussant: Antonio Parenti (Representative of the European Commission in Italy).