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Home Agenda eventi 2022 International Conference for Sharing Best Practices: Economic and Social...

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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

International Conference for Sharing Best Practices: Economic and Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers through Social Entrepreneurship

dal 10 al 11 Marzo 2022

ore: 09:00

Teaching Hub, Rooms 15 and 14 (Viale Filippo Corridoni, 20 - Forlì)

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The International Conference for Sharing Best Practices, organised in the framework of the Interreg-Adrion REInSER project, brings together scholars and practitioners from the whole Europe and beyond to share inspiring initiatives of refugees integration through social entrepreneurship and to enrich the debate on some of the most relevant issues surrounding this topic.
