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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

First Living Lab Workshop of the I-CHANGE project

dal 30 al 31 Marzo 2022

ore: 09:00

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sala IR-1A (Via Irnerio, 46 - Bologna)

Ingresso gratuito con presentazione obbligatoria dell'invito

The Department of Physics and Astronomy hosts the first workshop of H2020 project I-CHANGE. The main objective of I-CHANGE is to raise awareness on climate issues through the direct collection of environmental and socio-economic data with novel and user-friendly tools. The promotion of a co-designed learning path, through six Living Labs in Europe and beyond, aims to improve citizen knowledge of climate change harmful impacts and understand the role of nature-based solutions in mitigating strategies.