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Riding the Waves of Resilience: Empowering Coastal Communities

19 Ottobre 2023

ore: 17:00

Evento online

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The second webinar of the Coastal Resilience webinar series will discuss community engagement and citizen science initiatives in two Ocean Decade Actions. With Chiara Certomà (University of Turin), Federico Fornaro (Italian Naval League), Diego Sancho Gallegos (Save the Waves Coalition).

Community engagement and empowerment are vital for project success, informing communities about challenges and enabling action. SeaPaCS and Save the Waves, both UN Ocean Decade endorsed projects, represent two distinct approaches to coastal community engagement. SeaPaCS, a European-funded project, involves locals in data collection. In contrast, Save the Waves, a non-profit, empowers users through their 'Save the Waves App,' promoting community involvement.