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Home Agenda eventi 2023 Coastal Connections: Interdisciplinary Methodologies for Resilient Shores

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Coastal Connections: Interdisciplinary Methodologies for Resilient Shores

14 Novembre 2023

ore: 11:00

Evento online

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In this webinar, we invite two AXA Research fellows on Coastal Livelihoods - Andrea Ficchì (Politecnico di Milano), Megnaa Mehtta (University College London) - to present their research, explore their contributions to the Ocean Decade mission.

The AXA Research Fund has awarded 8 fellowships to researchers worldwide, providing support for research projects focused on coastal and community resilience. These projects take an interdisciplinary approach and offer valuable perspectives on coastal resilience from physical, economic, and social standpoints. In this webinar, we will invite two of the fellows to present their research and the potential it holds for understanding and enhancing coastal and community resilience.