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Home Agenda eventi 2023 Bodies of Politics: Somaesthetics, Somapower, Microphysics of Emancipation and...

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Bodies of Politics: Somaesthetics, Somapower, Microphysics of Emancipation and Niches of Liberation

15 Maggio 2023

Aula Donatoni - Dipartimento delle Arti (Via Barberia, 4 - Bologna) e online su Teams

Ingresso libero

Incontro a cura del prof. Stefano Marino con Leszek Koczanowicz (Professor of Philosophy and Political Science at Faculty of Psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities), in collaborazione con il Centro di Ricerca “Culture Fashion Communication”.

The aim of this lecture is to analyze resistance to oppressive power in everyday life, with an emphasis on bodily practices that become vehicles of emancipation. The research project is located at the intersection of two important, but never adequately explored, theoretical fields: the body as a vehicle of social critique and the relationship between the everyday and politics. I would like to address these two issues by discussing the debates on them that are unfolding in the contemporary social sciences and humanities. Starting from Richard Shusterman's somaesthetics, I would like to introduce new categories of analysis: somapower, microphysics of emancipation, niches of liberation.