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Home Agenda eventi 2023 Experiments in the history of science: are they as simple as they seem?

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Experiments in the history of science: are they as simple as they seem?

21 Luglio 2023

ore: 10:30

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "A. Righi", Aula Magna (Via Irnerio, 46 - Bologna)

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The historian of physics Peter Heering from the Europa-Universität Flensburg will enlighten these aspects on the base of a specific method of analysis - the replication method - which he contributed to tune and perfect over the last thirty years.

Milestone physics experiments by Galileo, Coulomb, Joule and Millikan are usually reported and described in contemporary textbooks, revived through teaching devices or on websites through modern simulations, and mentioned in conferences and popular books. Yet one thing is to tell how a historical experiment should work, and another is to conduct it.