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Home Agenda eventi 2023 ERC Processing Citizenship research methods: digital registration of migrants...

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ERC Processing Citizenship research methods: digital registration of migrants and governance by technology

3 Maggio 2023

ore: 13:00

Aula Mondolfo, via Zamboni 38

Ingresso libero

ERC Processing Citizenship team will discuss their research methods. The project approaches digital infrastructures by ethnographic and historical investigations, policy textual analysis and develops analytical tools and games informed by laboratory studies, the foundation of STS studies, aiming at understanding how scientific knowledge is created, established and shared. The methods applied are contributing to the emerging toolkit in governance by technology scholarship.

Nell'ambito di SeRiC Seminario Ricerche in Corso - Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione. Partecipano: Annalisa Pelizza, Wouter van Rossem, Paul Trauttmansdorff, Lorenzo Olivieri, Chiara Loschi (Università di Bologna ERC Processing Citizenship).