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Holiday Greetings from Rector Giovanni Molari to the community of the University of Bologna

“I would like to send my best wishes for the upcoming holidays to you and to all your loved ones. I would also like to share with you my excitement for this is my first time addressing the community of the University of Bologna on this important occasion”

I would like to send my best wishes for the upcoming holidays to you and to all your loved ones. I would also like to share with you my excitement for this as it is my first time addressing the community of the University of Bologna on this important occasion knowing that in 2022 we will continue to work towards our common goals with renewed energy.

Every day since I have had the privilege to serve as Rector, I have become more aware of our strength, our scientific and professional resources, and our great and responsible commitment. These are the qualities that will guide us through the new year, which is unfortunately still beset by uncertainties, to the best of our ability.

I look forward to seeing you again and wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Giovanni Molari