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University Corridors: the International Conference of Italian Caritas in Unibo

How to create legal ways of entry dedicated to female students fleeing from wars and persecutions? The international conference "Universities as sponsors"dedicated to tertiary education paths for refugees will try to provide the answer to this question.

The two-day event ( 10 - 11 March) is organized by Caritas Italiana, University of Bologna, the Share network, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and the Communitas Consortium with the involvement of UNHCR and the Waldensian Diaconia.

Photo: Caritas Italiana

In the morning of 11 March, the "Manifesto on expanding refugee tertiary education pathways in Europe" will be launched with the aim of strengthening education paths for refugees starting from projects already active such as the Italian UNICORE program, the DAAD German leadership and the Canadian SRP.

Among the guests of the "Universities as Sponsors" conference there will be the Director of Caritas Italiana Don Marco Pagniello, the Rector of the University of Bologna Prof. Giovanni Molari, the MEP Elisabetta Gualmini, the vice-president of Emilia Romagna Elly Schlein, Petra Hueck director of ICMC Europe and ShAre Network, Ludovica Raiola of Diaconia Valdese, Anna Gekht of UNHCR, Michelle Manks in charge of WUSC, Christian Hülshörster in charge of DAAD, Annick Suzor-Weiner of the AUF agency, Oliviero Forti Head of Migration Policies and International Protection of Italian Caritas.

There will also be space for the direct accounts of some of the students benefitting from the UNICORE project. The initiative is part of the "Share Network" project co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.