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A series of meetings are kicked off with the new GenerAtions of researchers at the University of Bologna

Research meets the city with an initiative implemented by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Salaborsa Library - Libraries and Cultural Welfare Sector of the Bologna Town Council. From the digital revolution to in-flight innovations

GenerAzioni: la Ricerca incontra la città (GenerAtions: Research in the City) is an initiative organised by the University of Bologna and the Salaborsa Library - Libraries and Cultural Welfare Sector of the Bologna Town Council to initiate a dialogue between citizens and University of Bologna PhD students.

The aim of the five meetings, kicking off at 6 p.m. on Thursday, 2 March at the Biagi Auditorium of the Salaborsa Library, is to convey how the full deployment of scientific and cultural knowledge can translate into new models of development, new ideas, more efficient production systems and, consequently, greater wellbeing for all citizens.

At each meeting, this new GenerAtion of researchers will present their knowledge and theses. They will be accompanied by moderators specialised in their various fields of study, in an attempt to bring to the fore research developments concerning the most significant environmental, social, cultural and scientific challenges of our time.

“The GenerAtions initiative springs from a shared project between the Town Council and the University of Bologna,” says Maria Letizia Guerra, Delegate for Public Engagement of the University of Bologna, “with the aim of bringing the world of research closer to citizens. To do this, we have decided to highlight the projects of our young PhD students, who will be given the opportunity to arouse the curiosity of the general public and focus in particular on the implications of their research projects on improving the quality of everyday life. The exhibition represents a further valuable building block to increase the University of Bologna's sense of social responsibility, which can also be nurtured through a fertile exchange of cultural ideas with the Bologna Town Council.”

The ART-ER team, a consortium of the Emilia-Romagna region in which all the regional universities participate, supports the Alma Mater’s efforts to involve its PhDs students in the public meetings scheduled to take place in Bologna’s Sala Borsa, with the ultimate aim of promoting the region’s internationalisation and the development of talent. The support of ART-ER at this juncture forms part of the Research-ER project supporting and promoting the figure of the research doctor as a driver of innovation in the Emilia-Romagna ecosystem.

All meetings (2 March, 16 March, 13 April, 11 May, 30 May) are free of charge and subject to availability.

More information and programme


GenerAzioni: la ricerca incontra la città

dal 2 Marzo al 30 Maggio 2023

Biblioteca Salaborsa, Auditorium Biagi (Piazza del Nettuno, 3 - Bologna)

Ingresso libero

Una rassegna di cinque incontri in cui giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori dell’Università di Bologna presenteranno alla città il frutto delle loro ricerche. Ad ogni appuntamento la nuova GenerAzione di studiosi esporrà tesi e risultati di ricerca legati a sfide ambientali, sociali, culturali e scientifiche, in dialogo con moderatori esperti.

Tutte le date della rassegna:
