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Paul Thomas Anastas will receive an honorary degree from the University of Bologna

The American chemist, who is regarded as the father of 'Green Chemistry', will receive a degree in chemistry from the University of Bologna. During the ceremony, he will give a lecture on 'Designing the Future Through Green Chemistry.’ Diplomas will also be awarded to Emeritus and Honorary Professors during the ceremony.

On Friday 12 April, at 5 p.m. in the Aula Absidale of Santa Lucia (Via de' Chiari, 25a - Bologna), the awards ceremony will be held in which an Honorary Degree will be presented to Paul Thomas Anastas, a scientist known as the father of 'green chemistry', who has dedicated his life's work to the development of a more sustainable and beneficial science for humanity and the world in which it lives.

After the welcome speech by Rector Giovanni Molari, Prof. Emilio Tagliavini will introduce the scientist. The Head of the 'Giacomo Ciamician' Department of Chemistry, Marco Lucarini, will then explain why it was decided to award Paul Thomas Anastas an honorary degree in Chemistry. After receiving the degree, Prof. Anastas will give a lecture entitled 'Designing the Future Through Green Chemistry.'

Finally, the Rector will present Diplomas to Emeritus and Honorary Professors: Luisa Cifarelli, Daniela Cocchi, Maria Cocco, Pier Paolo Diotallevi, Keir Douglas Elam, Carlo Gentili, Raffaella Gherardi, Fabio Giusberti, Lucio Ildebrando, Dario Maio, Francesco Minni, Massimo Montanari, Felix San Vicente Santiago, Michele Sesta, Anna Soncini and Marco Zoli.

By awarding a Degree in Chemistry to Paul Anastas, whose ideas have inspired generations of young chemists and innovative entrepreneurs, the University reaffirms its ongoing and growing commitment to issues of sustainability, protecting the environment, tackling climate change, and safeguarding the people’s well-being and health.

Anastas's key contribution was to formulate, together with John Warner, the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, for a science that respects the environment and human health, now and for future generations. The two scientists also provided the tools for designing the proper production and handling of substances and promoted the restoration of chemistry's reputation as a science and practice for the benefit of humanity.

Paul Anastas helped found and directed the Institute for Green Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. In the 1990s, he steered the Environmental Protection Agency's activities towards sustainable chemistry, including coining the term 'Green Chemistry', which is now a globally recognised brand.

In 1995, Anastas initiated the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, which has become an important benchmark and incentive for promoting sustainable chemical innovation. He also served as a scientific advisor for the environment at the White House under Presidents Clinton and Bush and was entrusted with key positions by President Obama.

For the past 25 years, Paul Anastas has been a world ambassador for Sustainable Chemistry and launched the Global GreenChem Accelerator Network programme on behalf of the United Nations in 2023. He has also helped to establish collaborative initiatives and networks in Green Chemistry among African nations and between Africa, China, India, South America, and Eastern Europe.

Cerimonia di conferimento della Laurea ad honorem a Paul Thomas Anastas

12 Aprile 2024

ore: 17:00

Aula Absidale di Santa Lucia (Via de' Chiari, 25/A - Bologna)

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Il chimico statunitense, considerato il padre della "Green Chemistry", riceverà la laurea dell'Alma Mater in Chimica e, nel corso della cerimonia, terrà una lezione su “Designing the Future Through Green Chemistry”. Nel corso della cerimonia saranno consegnati anche i Diplomi a Professoresse e Professori Emeriti e Onorari

Con prenotazione obbligatoria per il personale tecnico amministrativo, i docenti, i borsisti e assegnisti di ricerca.
