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The University of Bologna and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Italy join forces for teaching and research

The agreement signed by Rector Giovanni Molari and Claudio Bassoli, President and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Italia, provides an opportunity to develop innovative, cutting-edge technology projects

Rector Giovanni Molari and Claudio Bassoli, President and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Italia (HPE), a leading US multinational in the IT sector, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will see the two companies work together in the technology sector.

The aim of the collaboration is to develop joint activities that can be of interest to the university’s students and researchers, thanks to the advanced ICT solutions, technologies and experience of HPE professionals.

This gives researchers the opportunity to collaborate with the company on research and innovation projects, while students can train on world-leading ICT products, gain access to cutting edge technology solutions and enhance their career opportunities.

On the educational front for example, open days and meetings could be organised for students, together with curricular internships and job placement initiatives, but also specific courses for certification and donations of equipment for teaching laboratories could be created.

In terms of research and technological development, the agreement provides for joint participation in regional, national, European and international research calls and programmes and the development of joint research projects. Scholarships, research grants and doctoral fellowships for specific research activities may also be established, as well as opportunities to create and share access to common research infrastructures and laboratories.