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Home Innovazione e ricerca Launching “Great-ER", free programme for deep tech startups and spin-offs

Launching “Great-ER", free programme for deep tech startups and spin-offs

‘Growing and Empowering Advanced Technologies in Emilia-Romagna’ is the title of the new call launched thanks to European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region (FESR 2021-2027) for the development of solutions with high scientific and technological content in the following fields: Clean, Safe and Accessible Energy, Circular Economy, Innovation in Materials, Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Manufacturing 4.0 and Future Evolutions, Cities and Communities of the Future. The 12 selected projects will receive free services valued at €20,000 each

The call “Great-ER - "Growing and Empowering Advanced Technologies in Emilia-Romagna" is now open. This new, free advanced incubation programme for deep tech research startups and spin-offs was launched thanks to European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region.  

Applications can be submitted on the AlmaCube website until 11 October. The programme aims to provide specialised support to participants and facilitate collaborations between research, businesses and investors. The duration of the programme is 11 months, from February to December 2025. 

To apply, it is required to be an early-stage startup/spin-off already established, or an entrepreneurial project not yet established but with at least one member of the main team holding a partita IVA (VAT number). The proposal must involve solutions with high scientific and technological content and include establishing an operational base in Emilia-Romagna. 

Great-ER will focus on the following strategic fields: Clean, Safe and Accessible Energy, Circular Economy, Innovation on Materials, Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Manufacturing 4.0 and Future Evolutions, Cities and Communities of the Future. 

12 deep tech projects will be selected and will receive free services for a total value of €20,000 each

The services provided include personalised coaching, mentorship with industry experts, specialised consulting, training, and networking. The services will be offered on the basis of the needs and development stage of each startup. 

The proposal is the result of the collaboration between Almacube srl (the Innovation Hub and incubator of the University of Bologna and of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro) and the four Universities of the Emilia Romagna Region: University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma.  

‘Great-ER aims to further enrich the regional innovation ecosystem, combining the academic research capabilities of the Universities of the region with Almacube’s experience in spin-offs and startups incubation and in the management of Open Innovation processes. The programme allows participants to access a network where they can benefit from skills, knowledge and laboratories of the regional universities.’ - states Shiva Loccisano, CEO of Almacube.