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“Waiting for European Researchers’ Night” Events Are Back

Guided tours, concerts, scientific aperitifs, exhibitions, performances, workshops: the SOCIETY consortium (University of Bologna, CNR - coordinator, CINECA, INAF, INFN, INGV, and the University of Ferrara) is set to launch a series of events. The goal is to bring the public closer to researchers and their everyday work, while showing, through fun and interactive formats, how scientific research shapes our daily lives

From musical algorithms to generative artificial intelligence, from the hidden treasures of Guido Horn d'Arturo to new methods for climate-smart farming. E ancora, storia del Cosmo, della radio fino ai podcast e il progresso della chirurgia bolognese.


These are just a few of the many themes and insights at the heart of the series “Waiting for European Researchers’ Night.” The events and meetings, planned until the end of September, aim to spark the curiosity and knowledge of citizens in anticipation of the European Researchers’ Night, which will take place this year on 27 September in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì and Predappio, Ravenna and Faenza, Rimini, and Ferrara.


The theme for this year is "reACT," an invitation to take concrete action in support of science, recognising its key role in societal progress and collective well-being.


The programme for Waiting for European Researchers’ Night kicks off in the city on Tuesday, 10 September, with a jazz ensemble concert titled A Tribute to Blue Note by students from the G.B. Martini Conservatory of Bologna, organised by INGV in collaboration with the Bologna Conservatory. This will be followed by a conversation blending music and physics: "The Musical Algorithm – History and Applications of Physical Model Sound Synthesis," brought to you by the University of Bologna’s NEMUS project.


The scientific happy hours – "Aperiscienza" – will be held this year at the Salaborsa - Enzo Biagi Auditorium. They are scheduled for Wednesday, 11 September, and Wednesday, 18 September, at 18:00 and will focus on “IT WORKS! It’s a Matter of Method.” Researchers will share how their findings and the application of the scientific method have led to effective solutions for mitigating natural and societal risks, illustrating real-world success stories.


On 11 September, the spotlight will be on Science and Technology for Risk Mitigation. Researchers from INGV, INAF, and CINECA will explain the scientific solutions developed to prevent and reduce the impact of natural phenomena and social emergencies, highlighting the fundamental role of the scientific method in risk management, aided by technology and artificial intelligence.

On 18 September, the focus will shift to Science and Technology for Better Living. Researchers from CNR, INFN, and the University of Bologna will explore innovations that enhance quality of life, from healthcare to environmental sustainability, showcasing how science can contribute to everyday well-being.


The Research in the City guided tours start on Thursday, 12 September, with an exploration of Bologna’s history through the iconic Porticoes, organised by the Succede Solo a Bologna Association and CINECA.


On Tuesday, 17 September, you can dive into the world of art conservation and learn about the effects of pollution and climate change on artistic heritage (Bologna, the Silver City, curated by CNR). Then, on Thursday, 19 September, there will be two guided tours: a city walk exploring the history of earthquakes, led by INGV, and a tour of the air raid shelter at Villa Revedin, organised by the Amici delle Vie d’Acqua e dei Sotterranei di Bologna Association.


On Friday, 20 September, visitors can discover the forests and crops at Villa Ghigi Park, where they’ll observe various types of forests in their recent evolution and reflect on different species and their adaptability (curated by CNR).


On Monday, 23 September, the University of Bologna, in collaboration with CNR, will host an event in one of Bologna’s botanical gardens (Simple and Complex: Botanical Gardens and Their Role). This event offers a chance to discuss biodiversity, plant conservation, medicinal plants, and allergenic plants in a tranquil and enchanting setting.


There will be no shortage of exhibitions, such as the one scheduled from Friday, 13 September, at the Serre dei Giardini Margherita, showcasing artists who participated in the GRIN, S+T+ARTS project, in collaboration with Kilowatt and CINECA, where the combination of art, science, and supercomputing has led to new and unexpected connections. There will also be performances, such as the rock-science concert curated by INAF on Thursday, 12 September, on the journey of a photon through the Universe.


On Wednesday, 18 and Thursday, 19 September, two major events will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s birth: "The Voice of Radio andMarconi: The Man Who Changed the World." From 23 to 26 September, the University of Bologna will open the doors to some of its libraries, buildings, and palaces, offering a chance to explore hidden gems.


In the days leading up to the night of 27 September, there will be a CREA and CNR event (24 September) on new farming methods adapted to climate change and a CINECA workshop (25 September) on “What is an Author? – Creating with Generative Artificial Intelligence.”


Further details on participation are available on the website:



All events are free and organised by the Society Consortium, one of the Italian projects associated with European Researchers’ Night, in collaboration with the University of Bologna, CNR, CINECA, INAF, INFN, INGV, and the University of Ferrara.