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AI in Society: A Video Contest for the University of Bologna Student Community

The six best videos on artificial intelligence, focusing on the opportunities and risks linked to its use in today's world, will be awarded prizes as part of the contest organized for Alma Mater Fest 2024

The Alma Mater Fest 2024 - AI Video Contest is now open. The competition offers prizes of up to €1,000 for the top six videos—no longer than three minutes and dedicated to the impact of artificial intelligence on society—produced by undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students at the University of Bologna, who are enrolled for the 2024/2025 academic year, or for the 2023/2024 academic year, provided they have not yet graduated by 10 October 2024. 

The contest, a collaboration between seven departments (Architecture; Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"; Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering; Philosophy; Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) and the Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (ALMA-AI), offers two categories. Students can participate either individually or in teams of up to four members:

• "Video about AI," requiring content that explores the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence for today’s society (e.g., in the economy, human relationships, or the job market).

• "Video made with AI," which has no specific content requirements, but the video must be created using a substantial contribution from generative artificial intelligence technologies.

In each category, first-place winners will receive €1,000; second-place winners will be awarded €600, while the third-place ones will receive €400.  All participants, regardless of their placement, will receive a certificate of participation.

The winners will be selected based on originality, relevance to the theme, quality, and artistic evaluation of the submitted works.  Additionally, teams or individuals who include at least one freshman enrolled for the first time at the University of Bologna in the 2024/2025 academic year and/or students from different degree programmes will receive a bonus to their final evaluation score. 

To participate, students must register by Friday, 20 September, using the online form provided in the contest announcement.  By Thursday, 10 October, participants must upload their video to their institutional OneDrive account and share a link to the uploaded content by emailing almaai.contestvideo24@unibo.it, as outlined in the contest regulations.

The six winning videos, three from each category, will be screened during the Alma Mater Fest 2024 events, held from 21 to 23 October 2024.

Further information.