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Career Talks 2024 for the professional development of Alumni and Alumnae kicks off

Four seminars in which expert business coaches and trainers will guide Alumni and Alumnae of the University of Bologna in making decisions about building or re-building their careers, addressing personal awareness, emotion management and much more

Supporting Alumni and Alumnae throughout their professional lives, from entry into the world of work to career development. Providing them with training, inspiration, advice and support to help them make choices and pursue goals. This is the aim of Career Talks 2024, the first professional development initiative organised by the Almae Matris Alumni Association and the University Job Placement Sector. A cycle of four seminars, from 24 May to 18 October, at Palazzo Malvezzi (Sala delle Armi, Via Zamboni 22) and online, in which expert business coaches and trainers will help participants to reinforce their understanding of useful topics such as the choices for building or re-building a career, personal awareness, managing emotions and much more.

Friday 24 May, at 6 pm, the first event: "RiscopriTe. Il reskilling per la tua Carriera" (Rediscovering Yourself. Reskilling for your Career). Business coach Samanta Gubellini, Director of Area People & Change Management at SCS Consulting, will explain how career paths are changing within business organisations and how career reskilling can be organised to meet the new needs of the job market.

The "Trova la tua strada” (Finding your way) event is scheduled to take place on Friday, 7 June, at 6 pm. What are the key factors involved when approaching the world of work? Vittorio Martinelli and Luigi Ranieri will answer this question. Drawing on their experience as trainers and coaches in a number of organisations and as authors, they will offer useful ideas and strategies for developing personal awareness, addressing the issue of failure in the workplace and the importance of networking.

Sindrome dell’impostore: come sentirsi adeguati al proprio ruolo professionale” (Imposter syndrome: how to feel adequate in your professional role) is the title of the seminar to be held on Friday 20 September at 6 pm. Why is there a tendency to question achievements even in the face of evidence of success? Alumni and Alumnae will learn how to recognise impostor syndrome and develop strategies to overcome it, guided by Life and Business Coach Roberta Bortolucci.

The last event in the series, on Friday 18 October, at 6 pm, entitled "Intelligenza emotiva, leva per la tua crescita professionale” (Emotional intelligence, a lever for your professional growth) will focus on recognising the influence of emotions on career choices, with expert Valentina Gaetani, Senior Manager at SCS Consulting.

Career talks 2024

dal 24 Maggio al 18 Ottobre 2024

ore: 18:00

Sala delle Armi - Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22 - 40126 Bologna

Ingresso libero previa iscrizione

Ciclo di seminari di sviluppo professionale e di carriera

Un insieme di iniziative per stare al tuo fianco nel percorso di inserimento nel mondo del lavoro e nello sviluppo delle tue prospettive di crescita personale e professionale. Vogliamo offrirti formazione, ispirazione, consigli e supporto nelle tue scelte e nel raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi

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