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PhD and Public Engagement: Research Narratives with PhD Storytelling Lab

This year, the PhD Storytelling Lab, an initiative promoted by the University of Bologna, is expanding to include participants from other universities for the first time. This programme offers young researchers the tools and writing techniques needed to communicate the content, outcomes, and prospects of their doctoral research in a clear and accessible manner

The aim of the PhD Storytelling Lab is to narrate the challenges, objectives, work, and results of scientific research from the perspective of those who conduct it daily. Now in its third edition, the initiative PhD Storytelling Lab was originally created for PhD students at the University of Bologna but is now open to other universities.

The lab focuses on science communication writing and is led by professors from the University of Bologna, including Professor Maria Letizia Guerra, the Delegate for Public Engagement, and journalists from UGIS - Union of Italian Science Journalists, coordinated by Giovanni Caprara, science editor for Corriere della Sera and president of UGIS.

After the initial lectures and workshop sessions, which took place from 4 to 6 June, participants were ready to present their work. The presentation was on Thursday, 20 June, from 16:00 at Aula Capitani in the San Giovanni in Monte Complex (Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2 – Bologna). In this context, students further refined the texts and engaged with local communities, creating synergies that enhance the dissemination of research.

PhD students involved in the programme were tasked with writing a popular science article about their research. This task was made possible through the skills and knowledge gained during the lab, which covered tools, methodologies, and writing techniques to convey research content, outcomes, and prospects clearly and comprehensibly. Participants also learned to interact with the media, the public, and youth, understand international institutional sources, and use new technologies for dissemination.

In a spirit of social responsibility, the PhD Storytelling Lab aims to raise awareness among young researchers about the importance of sharing their research findings with society, emphasizing their positive impact on everyday life and future prospects.

The best articles from the lab will be published on the UGIS website, as in previous editions. Other works will be featured on the University of Bologna's web channels and those of other participating universities. Additionally, some PhD students will be invited to present their research to the public in the next edition of the "Generazioni - Research Meets the City" series, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna.