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Home Incontri e iniziative Research, Technology Transfer, and Recruiting at the Navile District

Research, Technology Transfer, and Recruiting at the Navile District

A day to discover the University of Bologna Navile District complex and job opportunities in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, focused on scientific progress and a sustainable future

Showcasing the research and teaching activities conducted at the Navile District, along with job opportunities in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector, to allow the community to envision a future of scientific and technological progress, sustainability, and shared goals: this is the aim of the presentation day of the University of Bologna District, now in its second edition, scheduled for Thursday 30 May, from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM (Aula Magna, Building UE1 - Via della Beverara, 123/1 - Bologna).

Two parallel initiatives will animate the event, illustrating the main research topics of the complex, University-Business collaboration forms, and the active role of PhD programmes: the presentation of the Departments of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician," Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari," and Pharmacy and Biotechnology - FABIT and the Recruiting Day, aimed at connecting various chemical-pharmaceutical sector companies with students and graduates in these fields.

During the morning, in the Aula Magna research and teaching activities conducted at the Navile District will be presented, integrating the excellence of the three Departments in multiple sectors such as energy transition, sustainable mobility, catalysis studies, sensor technology, advanced materials, cultural heritage, as well as biomedical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, and biotechnological fields.

Simultaneously, during the Recruiting Day, companies like Mapei, Gruppo Hera, Chiesi Farmaceutici, LloydsFarmacia, BENU, Siad, Lafarmacia, Unigrà, Dottor Max, and Coloplast will showcase their business environments, placement opportunities, and selection processes to students who, upon registration with CV submission, can have brief introductory interviews at the desks located in the central plaza.

A day to discover the excellence of the university complex, also through a poster session presenting the research projects of the PhD students from the three Departments. Experiments and prototype demonstrations, located in various rooms of the structure, will also showcase technology transfer activities related to spin-offs and patents.

Participation details for the day and Recruiting Day are available on the event website.


Ricerca, Trasferimento Tecnologico e Recruiting al distretto Navile: dipartimenti di Chimica, di Chimica Industriale e di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

30 Maggio 2024

ore: 09:30

Polo Didattico del Navile (Via della Beverara, 123/1 - Bologna)

Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili

La giornata è articolata in due iniziative parallele: la presentazione dei Dipartimenti del Distretto dedicata a docenti, ricercatrici/ricercatori, aziende dell'area chimica e un Recruiting Day finalizzato all'incontro tra aziende del settore chimico-farmaceutico con studenti / laureati appartenenti a questi ambiti.