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The University of Bologna welcomes U.S. students in Bologna

A special event - organised in collaboration with the U.S. university centers in the city - marked the beginning of the new academic year for over 150 participants, who had the opportunity to feel welcomed and involved in the activities of our University

Over 150 U.S. students joined the event organised by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the American Centres in the city to welcome them to Bologna. The event, held on Monday, 16 September, in the Aula Absidale of Santa Lucia, allowed participants to celebrate the start of the new academic year, feel part of the academic community, and discover its distinctive features.

The ceremony was opened by Vice Rector for International Relations, Prof. Raffaella Campaner, who highlighted the transformative power of international exchange experiences, which can profoundly enrich perspectives and sensibilities. Elizabeth Cardone, U.S. Consul in Florence, emphasised the importance of academic and cultural ties between Italy and the United States, fostered through study abroad opportunities. U.S. students can become ambassadors for their country and, in the future, representatives of the University of Bologna in the U.S.

Photo by Fabio Celot

Giacomo Nerozzi, representative of the University of Bologna Library, traced the rich history of the University of Bologna and the city. Giacomo Bergamini, Delegate for Sustainability, described the numerous sustainability initiatives promoted by the University, highlighting how exchange students can benefit from and actively contribute to a more sustainable university community.

Marialuce Marcon and Eva Gustin, Student Ambassadors of the University of Bologna, offered a comprehensive overview of the services, social opportunities, and numerous initiatives available to international students. Gabriel Marin, President of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Bologna, introduced Babel Nights, a language exchange initiative organised by the University of Bologna in collaboration with ESN (the Erasmusm Student Network).

Photo by Fabio Celot

The day featured fun activities and games to let participants explore the university, the city, and Italian culture.

Among the U.S. academic institutions that contributed to organising the event were Brown University, University of California, Dickinson College, Ecco Program, Indiana University, and Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe.