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University Highlights: key resolutions - May 2024

The May meetings of the Governing Bodies covered topics such as the 2022/2023 Good Practice Results, Extension of the University Quality Committee (PQA), Survey on PhD Students' Opinions, CAF and CFP 2024/2025


2022/2023 Good Practice Results

 The results of the 2022/2023 Good Practice student satisfaction survey have been presented, providing important insights to guide service improvements and developments for the benefit of students. The University of Bologna confirms its excellent position among the major Italian universities while identifying critical areas that need intervention.


Extension of the University Quality Committee (PQA)

 Chaired by the Rector, the University Quality Committee (PQA) includes teaching, student, and technical-administrative components. In April, due to increased activities, the Academic Senate appointed the Delegate for PhD Programme degrees as the Coordinator of the PhD working group (PQA-PHD). In the May session, the proposal to expand the teaching component of the PQA by five additional professors (Professors Maurizio Brigotti, Cristina Femoni, Claudio Mazzotti, Claudia Sebastiana Nobili, Corrado Roversi, Elena Zamagni) was approved.


Survey on PhD Students' Opinions

 A questionnaire to gather PhD students' opinions on the research training project, services, and opportunities, and to assess their overall satisfaction has been approved. This significant innovation, introduced by the University in collaboration with PhD representatives, aligns with the AVA3 perspective. Participation in the survey, anonymously, will be mandatory for PhD students enrolled in the 38th cycle and subsequent ones. The collected data will be used for the annual self-assessment process of PhD programmes.

CAF and CFP 2024/2025

 The first round of Vocational Training Programmes (CAF) and Lifelong Learning Programmes (CFP) for the academic year 2024/2025 has been approved. To enhance post-graduate vocational training programmes and lifelong learning programmes, twenty-six courses, including five new ones (three CAF and two CFP), will be activated by November.

Renewal of Double, Multiple, Joint, and Consecutive Degrees
The renewal process of international agreements for issuing double, multiple, joint, and consecutive degrees, and credit recognition is ongoing. Among these are the Erasmus Mundus Master "Women’s and Gender Studies (GEMMA)" and agreements with Bielefeld University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich, Université Paris Saclay, Université d’Evry-Val-D’Essonne, École Nationale Supérieure d’informatique pour l’industrie et l’entreprise, and King’s College London.


VRA Criteria for Parental or Health Leave

 A modification to the University Research Evaluation (VRA) criteria for the 2024 session has been approved. This change allows personnel who have taken parental or health leave to present one fewer scientific work than normally required. This measure, an exception to the current VQR provisions, aims to ensure full equity in the evaluation of scientific activities.

Third Edition of PhD Storytelling

 The third edition of PhD Storytelling, a laboratory training course for final-year PhD students, has been approved. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of sharing research results with society. The new edition, as an experiment, will also be open to PhD students from other universities.

University of Bologna - Zeri Foundation Agreement

 The collaboration between the University of Bologna and the Zeri Foundation, which has led to the creation of a significant photo library since 2000, continues. Thanks to the bequest of Prof. Federico Zeri, professional expertise and work tools will continue to be shared to enrich the cultural heritage of both institutions.



BUP Foundation and FAM Foundation

 The revision of the "Strategic Plan 2023-2025" and the update of the "2024 Budget" of the Alma Mater Foundation (FAM) have been approved. This includes FAM’s entry as a Permanent Founder of the Bologna University Press (BUP) Foundation. Additionally, some changes to the BUP Statute have been approved to facilitate FAM’s entry as the sole member.


Support for Healthcare Expenses for Students from outside Bologna

 The University has allocated a fund of 150,000 euros to provide contributions towards healthcare expenses for students from outside Bologna with an Equivalent Financial Position Indicator (ISEE) of up to 35,000 euros, enrolled in first, second, third cycle, and single-cycle degree programmes. Contributions of 1,000 euros are planned for non-EU students, who, from 2024, have faced significant increases in costs for National Health System registration; 500 euros for Italian or EU students.


Protocol for Internationally Protected Students

 The agreement between the universities of the Emilia-Romagna Region and ER.GO for the reception and support of internationally and complementarily protected students has been renewed. The protocol establishes common principles to guide support activities, coordinate the design and management of services, the creation of a technical coordination table, and monitoring and evaluation of the interventions.

Measures for Refugees
Under the Unibo for Refugees project, measures for asylum seekers, refugees, and displaced students have been confirmed. These measures aim to facilitate students’ integration into university life and support them with adequate resources (scholarships, study awards, fee exemptions, enrolment facilitation, and meal contributions).

Scholars at Risk

 The activation of research grants for scholars (post-docs, researchers, and professors) at risk due to conflicts or geopolitical crises has been approved. A monthly contribution of 2,250 euros gross for 12 months is planned. Departments can express interest in hosting a scholar and must provide co-financing for at least two months. A University committee will review the expressions of interest and allocate funding to cover 12 months, subject to available funds (68,000 euros).


Anti-Violence Network

 In agreement with the Municipality of Bologna, the University of Bologna will join a three-year protocol to improve the protection of women who been subjected to intimate partner violence. The University will share aggregated data and information related to the activities of the university office against gender-based violence. Additionally, it will develop educational and training programmes tailored for the entire academic community and specific professional sectors. Furthermore, the University will extend support to female students who are victims of violence by offering personalised pathways to address their individual needs and experiences.

Advanced Training for Staff

 A revision of the process for participation in advanced training for permanent technical-administrative staff and foreign language instructors has been approved. The aim is to better connect advanced training with employees' work activities by focusing on professional and organisational development projects that are important to the University, while ensuring equal opportunities for all professional categories. Advanced training undertaken by authorised personnel will be acknowledged as part of their work activities.

Personnel Planning Resolutions

 The resolutions adopted by the Departments regarding the second and third 2024 rounds of planning and 2025 recruitment have been submitted to the Board of Governors. At this stage they stand as provisional resolutions, allowing for any feedback to be addressed subsequently. The Departments can propose warranted alterations for the third 2024 round and the two 2025 rounds.


Ethical Code and Conduct Obligations for Suppliers

 Following the introduction of the new University Code of Ethics and Conducts, the Board of Directors has integrated "Contact Obligations" regarding the interaction between the University and entities performing works or supplying goods and services. These obligations include key aspects such as preventing conflicts of interest and prohibiting soliciting or accepting gifts or other benefits.


Updating Regulations in Accordance with the New University Statute

The update of regulations continues in accordance with the new University Statute, which led to the abolition of Schools and changed the general rules of the Departments. As a result of these changes, the Academic Senate has repealed the Schools' operating regulations, while the Board of Governors has given a favourable opinion on amendments to the regulations of seven Departments. Modifications have also been made to the operating regulations of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors.

All resolutions are available on OrganiWeb and Intranet.