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University Highlights: Key Resolutions – February 2025

Streamlining the management of expenses for scientific publications, strategic planning for Departments 2025/2027, the University of Bologna covering TPER fare increases, and amendments to the Regulations for student representative elections at Alma Mater are among the topics discussed in the meetings of the University’s Governing Bodiess in February


Evaluation Group, Bioethics Committee, Tax and Students Committee, Disciplinary Board, Students Disciplinary Board, University Library and Historical Archives Board, “Umberto Eco” Centre

The following appointments have been made: members of the Evaluation Group and Bioethics Committee for the 2025-2028 term; a new member of the Tax and Students Committee; two new members, one permanent and one alternate, to the Disciplinary Board, and an alternate member (teaching staff section) to the Student Disciplinary Board. Finally, members of the University Library of Bologna (BUB) and Historical Archive Board, as well as the Board of the "Umberto Eco" International Centre for Humanistic Studies, have been appointed.


New agreements for double and joint degrees

Thanks to the agreement with ADA University (Baku, Azerbaijan), students will be able to obtain a double degree after a semester of mobility: the Master's degree in Business Administration and Sustainability from the University of Bologna and the Master of Science in Agricultural and Food Systems Management from ADA University. Additionally, three first-level joint professional master programmes will be launched as part of the “Capacity for Science in Africa” training programme, a collaboration between the University of Bologna and five other Italian universities that are members of the IHEA Foundation - Italian Higher Education with Africa.

PhD Programmes 41st Cycle – Academic Year 2025/2026

The activation of fourteen PhD Programmes for the 41st cycle has been approved. These will be included in the admission call to be issued in March, the first of two planned by the University for the 2025/2026 academic year.


Adherence to CLARIN-it

Approval has been granted for the University’s membership in the Italian CLARIN-IT network for conducting research and development activities in the field of the European infrastructure Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN). This infrastructure provides access to linguistic data and cutting-edge tools for analysing, annotating, and aggregating data.

Framework agreement with AETNA
The University has approved the signing of a framework agreement with AETNA Group S.P.A., a company operating in the packaging sector, for activities in research and innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and teaching.

Simplification of costs for scientific publications

A regulatory clarification has been made to streamline procedures related to scientific research. Expenses for publishing articles and monographs will no longer fall under the Public Contracts Code. An internal circular will outline the procedure for managing these expenses, simplifying the related administrative processes.

Strategic Guidelines 2025 for the Alumni Association

The strategic guidelines for the Alma Mater Alumni Association for 2025 have been approved. These include: collaborating on the regional Placement project, supporting career guidance, organizing a Reunion event for Alumni, hosting a national workshop on the role of alumni communities in university strategies, promoting the community, opening social media channels for the Association, fundraising activities, and establishing Alumni Chapters at departmental/campus levels and internationally.

Amendments to the Regulations on Postgraduate Research Scholarships

The Regulations have been extended to include clinical and/or healthcare activities and veterinary services. The amendments include: raising the age limit for applicants; extending the maximum duration of scholarships to 24 months and the minimum to 6 months; and increasing the maximum scholarship amount. These amendments will be reassessed if new institutions offering research activities emerge.

Agreement with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics – INFN: SCOAP3 Project

The agreement with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) has been approved, covering financial commitments arising from the SCOAP3 project for the years 2020-2024. The goal of the agreement is to enhance knowledge transfer for the benefit of the scientific community and society through open access to content in particle physics.

Third Sector Entities Register

A notice will be published to establish a register of Third Sector Entities and other non-third sector associations selected based on the necessary requirements for concluding agreements with the University of Bologna. This initiative will simplify the process of concluding collaboration agreements with entities on the list.


Collegio Superiore for the 2025/2026 Academic Year

The Governing Bodies have approved the number of available places and benefits for students enrolled in first-cycle, second-cycle, and single-cycle programmes for the 2025-2026 academic year at the Collegio Superiore. These benefits include full exemption from student fees, regardless of economic status, a financial contribution based on ISEE, and free accommodation in a dedicated residence. For third-cycle students (“International PhD College”), free accommodation or a contribution for housing costs will be provided.

Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Revenue Agency

The collaboration between the University and the Revenue Agency of the Emilia-Romagna Region will continue for another three years. This initiative, started in 2010, involves setting up desks to promote legality and combat the phenomenon of undeclared rental housing for out-of-town students. The collaboration is also crucial for efficiently managing the increasing number of international students, allowing the timely assignment of a tax code.


New Framework Agreements with Non-EU Universities

The signing of framework agreements with Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina), University of Ghana (Ghana), Université de Tunis El Manar (Tunisia), and Université de Carthage (Tunisia) has been approved to facilitate student and staff mobility with these partner institutions.


Strategic Planning of Departments 2025/2027

The Governing Bodies have approved the 31 departmental strategic plans, which are based on three key criteria: alignment with the University’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, adherence to ANVUR guidelines and quality standards, and alignment with institutional priorities in the main areas of teaching, research, and third mission. With the new departmental strategic plan tool, the University is committed to ensuring greater coherence between activities and decisions at the central level and the strategies developed by departments, with continuous monitoring of quality.


Agreement between the University and Trenitalia TPER Scarl

The goal of the agreement, renewed once again between the University of Bologna and Trenitalia TPER, is to promote collective transport and the use of trains. The University will provide a corporate contribution for its employees through the direct purchase of named annual Trenitalia TPER subscriptions, which can be used for train services on the home-to-work route at regional rates.

Limiting TPER Fare Increases for the University of Bologna

Until the validity date of the agreement between TPER and the University (31/08/2025), which offers discounts for the university community on urban and interurban bus subscriptions, the cost for students will remain unchanged, with only a slight fare increase for those benefiting from the agreement’s higher discount. The fixed contributions for technical-administrative staff and academic staff will also remain unchanged.

University Regulations for Waste Management

The University Regulations on waste disposal have been updated to comply with new regulations, promote coordination, and encourage sustainability. The update aligns with Objective O.50 of the Strategic Plan: “Adopt an efficient environmental management model, also in the context of the circular economy”.

C.U.BO Agreement

The agreement with the Circolo Università di Bologna C.U.BO has been renewed for the period 2025-2029. This agreement allows University staff to access recreational, sports, and cultural activities at discounted rates, supporting the goal O.43 of the Strategic Plan: “Improve working well-being".


Regulations for Student Representation Elections

The review of the regulations for the student representation elections, scheduled for 14-15 May 2025, has been approved. Key changes include: faculty and researchers will be allowed to serve on election commission panels; voting rights will not be tied to predetermined voting stations; students enrolled in two degree programmes will be able to vote for both; election candidacy procedures will be streamlined; the time limit for filing election appeals will be reduced; the use of a chosen name for candidates will be allowed; and the possibility of online supplementary elections for student representatives in Department and Degree Programme Councils, with the Rector having the option to delegate this process to Department Directors.


Motion for the Protection of Academic Freedom, Privacy, and University Autonomy

This document, presented to and unanimously approved by the Academic Senate, commits the University to take all necessary actions to safeguard privacy and personal data for all members of the university community in response to the implications of Article 31, paragraph 1, of the so-called Security Bill. This motion also supports the full autonomy of the University and the freedom of research and teaching.

All resolutions are available on Organi web and Intranet