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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

Communication Skills

3 Novembre 2023

ore: 10:00

This interactive course about communication skills in entrepreneurship is designed to enhance and foster the essential communication skills needed for successful entrepreneurs. The course focuses on key communication skills such as effective networking, negotiation, persuasive abilities, public speaking, presentation skills, non-verbal communication, and active listening. It incorporates a variety of learning methods, including mini-lectures, reflection exercises, and assessments to ensure active engagement and real-world application of acquired skills.

L'evento fa parte della rassegna

DIN-ECO: A Comprehensive Cycle of Seminars for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

dal 3 Novembre al 1 Dicembre 2023

Rassegna online

These seminars are tailored for students and scientific professionals, aiming to provide them with the tools, knowledge, and insights required to thrive in the entrepreneurial world. Participants will not only gain invaluable knowledge but will also receive a certificate of attendance upon completion.

Tutte le date della rassegna: