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Il servizio che permette di segnalare a UniboMagazine e alla Newsletter UniboCultura le iniziative culturali organizzate dall'Università di Bologna.

From environmental law to ecological law: the contribution of Earth Jurisprudence and indigenous knowledge to the Nature's Rights Movement

4 Maggio 2023

ore: 14:00

Evento online su Microsoft Teams

With Mumta Ito (Nature’s Rights) and the participation of Bruno de Almeida Passadore (Public Defender).

The UN Ocean Conference recently hold in June 2022 in Portugal and its conclusions welcomed the aspiration of a Universal Declaration of Ocean Rights as a concept of a global formalisation of the rights of the Ocean, to be presented to the United Nations in 2023 for joint agreement by the governments of the world. This is part of a larger movement, both supported by the UN programme Harmony with Nature and by a huge network of environmental and social movements that from many years are advocating for the incorporation of Nature’s rights in our legal systems. UNIBO social and policy scientists and their invited speaker/s will investigate mutual implications between the recognition of Ocean’s rights and the world movement on rights of Nature, considering important updates such as the Spanish popular legislative initiative on the legal personality of the Mar Menor in the Murcia region.

L'evento fa parte della rassegna

Ocean Rights: for our Earth’s life

dal 2 Maggio al 25 Settembre 2023

Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili

ISA TOPIC 2022-2023

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