Autore: A cura di Carla Inguaggiato
Editore: AMSActa
Prezzo: Scaricabile gratuitamente su Amsacta
ANGEL network and Global Education Network Europe (GENE) have used this definition of Global Education for almost 20 years and it is widely recognised and available in multiple languages. Global Education is understood to encompass Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace and Conflicts prevention and Intercultural Education; being the global dimensions of Education for citizenship.
The Global Education Digest project is an initiative that is growing in three key dimensions: in the number of languages featured, in the numbers and nationalities of contributors, and in breadth of format— with the creation of a digital archive. Despite our efforts to look beyond European boundaries, through publications and contributors that come from other continents, this project currently offers mostly an analysis on Global Education in Europe.
The Digest publications are cooperative projects, with contributors drawn from amongst the ANGEL network’s growing membership. The number of contributors involved this year increased from 25 to 36, and from 13 different countries. The main goals of the project are: a) to provide a comprehensive picture of the relevant literature published in Global Education (GE) in widely spoken languages, b) Provide a project and a resource that would enhance and develop the ANGEL community, strengthening the network of researchers working in Europe on Global Citizenship Education (GCE).
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