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Home In Ateneo Patrick Zaki, yet another adjournment: statement by Rector Giovanni Molari

Patrick Zaki, yet another adjournment: statement by Rector Giovanni Molari

"Each adjournment of this endless trial renews the anguish and pain that we have been sharing with Patrick for more than three years now," says the Rector. "But it also renews our resolution and support"

Three years and three months after the start of the court case, the tenth hearing in Patrick Zaki's trial ended with an adjournment: the judge in charge of the case was absent and the parties were reconvened for 18 July. Patrick Zaki is accused of "spreading false news inside and outside the country" and faces up to five years in prison. On 8 December 2021, he returned to freedom after 22 months of pre-trial detention spent in prison. Since then, he has been awaiting trial without being allowed to travel and therefore to return to Bologna to continue his studies.

"Each adjournment of this endless trial renews the anguish and pain that we have been sharing with Patrick for more than three years now," says Rector Giovanni Molari. "But it also renews our resolution and support. Over these years, Patrick has never stopped fighting for the defence of human rights and has never stopped studying, to the extent that the time for his thesis defence is approaching. His commitment and determination are an example for all of us. They represent a source of inspiration that unites us even more with Patrick and encourages us to intensify our support. Bologna and its University will continue to take to the streets and to show all our support and solidarity for Patrick on every possible occasion, until the day we can finally have him back. That day will come and we are waiting for him with open arms."