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Home Incontri e iniziative riPENSAci! (reTHINK it) Researchers' Night 2023 you to change your perspective

riPENSAci! (reTHINK it) Researchers' Night 2023 you to change your perspective

The Research Night is back in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Faenza, Rimini and Ferrara, once again presented by SOCIETY, to bring the work of researchers to the public. This year, as well, the audience can actively participate in experiments, demonstrations, games, exhibitions, and workshops

The European Researchers' Night is back on Friday 29 September in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Faenza, Rimini and Ferrara, once again branded SOCIETY and organised by the consortium made up of researchers from the CNR, coordinator for the two-year period 2022-23, University of Bologna, CINECA, INAF, INFN and INGV, supported for communication and organisation by ComunicaMente and Naxta.

The Researchers' Night in Bologna will be inaugurated, in Piazza Dalla in Bologna, at 6 p.m. with a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring a remarkable sponsor alongside representatives of partner organizations: the renowned actor from Bologna, Vito (Stefano Bicocchi), who will be present to open the evening in Bologna and engage with the audience. He will stroll among the stands together with the public, interviewing researchers to hear about their work and to learn the secrets of scientific discoveries, and chat with citizens to understand together how to face the challenges that the future holds. All of Vito's interviews and speeches can be reviewed in the following days on Lepida TV and on the social channels of the Researchers' Night SOCIETY.

In Cesena, the night will be kicked off at 5.00 p.m. 15, at the Malatesta Library, with Prof. Claudio Melchiorri, Delegate for Relations with Businesses at the University of Bologna, and the Director of the Biblioteca Malatestiana, which hosts the event. In Forlì, at 6.00 p.m., at the San Domenico museum complex, with Vice Rector for Research, Prof. Alberto Credi and the Mayor of Forlì. In Ravenna, at 6.00 p.m., at the MAR - Ravenna City Art Museum, with Prof. Giacomo Bergamini, Delegate for Sustainability of the University of Bologna. In Rimini, at 4.00 p.m. 15, at Cortile Alberti (Piazzetta Teatini), with Prof. Giuliana Benvenuti, Delegate for Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna. In Ferrara, at 6.00 p.m., in Piazza Castello, with the Rector of the University of Ferrara, Prof. Laura Ramaciotti.

Over 250 researchers between Bologna and the Romagna campuses, through their activities, will issue a collective call to all citizens: ReTHINK It! To change perspective and rethink one's own knowledge of the world.

More information and programmes in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini

La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2023

29 Settembre 2023

ore: 18:00

Sedi varie Bologna e Campus

Ingresso libero

L'evento, ancora una volta targato SOCIETY, si svolgerà in contemporanea in centinaia di città in Europa e, quest’anno, ruoterà intorno alle macro aree: Interpretare il passato, esplorare il presente, immaginare il futuro

Dimostrazioni, giochi, esperimenti, spettacoli e tante altre iniziative animeranno, a Bologna, Piazza Lucio Dalla (ex Tettoia Nervi) e le sedi dei Campus Unibo (maggiori dettagli nei programmi specifici).