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University Highlights: key resolutions - March 2024

The March meetings of the Governing Bodies covered topics such as the Inter-university Cooperation Agreements, the Guidelines and General Criteria for University Research Evaluation, the resources for students with disabilities and the Report on the Quality Assurance System 2023. Furthermore, the Gender Equality Plan, the amendments to the Electoral Regulations and a motion for immediate ceasefire in all conflicts


Post-graduate vocational training programmes
The guidelines for the activation of post-graduate vocational training programmes (CAF), lifelong learning programmes (CFP), summer and winter schools (SWS) for the a.y. 2024-2025 have been approved. There will be two windows for the submission of projects, with the aim of shortening the activation timeframe, planning the approval process according to the start date of the training activities. For courses starting by November 2024, the deadline is 27/03/2024. For courses starting from December 2024, the deadline is 04/09/2024. An investigative group will assess both new proposals and renewals of previous editions with substantial changes; the Vice Rector for Education, in collaboration with the Delegate for Post graduate Training, will then submit the proposal for activation or renewal to the Governing Bodies.

Inter-university Cooperation Agreements
Agreements have been renewed for the issuance of double degrees with the Institut Superieur d’Electronique de Paris (ISEP), double degree agreements with the Université de Bourgogne, and an inter-university cooperation agreement with the University of the Republic of San Marino. Furthermore, authorisation has been granted for the signing of an agreement with ENSAI – l’École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information and the University of Rennes.


Guidelines and General Criteria for University Research Evaluation (VRA) 2024
Guidelines and evaluation criteria for the 2024 University Research Evaluation session have been updated. The Research Quality Assessment (VQR) exercise will continue to be utilized, integrated with a quantitative component inspired by the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) model. The University may use the outcomes of VRA 2024 for resource allocation to Departments, which will have greater freedom compared to the past.

Revision of the mandatory open access publication obligation
Approval has been granted to mandate the dissemination of scientific publications in Open Access, supported by the University and whenever stipulated by the research funding body. Additionally, methods for Open Access dissemination have been defined. The Cultural Heritage Division (APPC), in addition to offering technical and legal support to faculty and researchers, will prepare contractual models and Guidelines to define good practices for open access publishing.

Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information
The University subscribes to the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, a programmatic document that promotes the opening of research data and encourages more democratic and transparent decision-making processes. The University of Bologna, one of the first signatories, will contribute to defining future commitments in favour of Open Science.

University Child Protection Policy
The adoption of the "Child Protection Policy - University Policy for the protection of children in research activities" has been approved. The Policy was proposed by CREAN, the Children’s Rights European Academic Network.

Call for Challenge Owner for Ecosister
Approval has been given for the publication of four Calls for Challenge Owners within the framework of the Ecosister project, financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The calls - one for each Multicampus site - aim to identify territorial Challenges "from the bottom up" on ecological transition themes, to be carried out together with local entities such as Municipalities and civil society organizations.


Resources for students with disabilities
The plan for utilizing resources allocated by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) to support interventions for students with disabilities and specific learning disorders (SLD) has been approved. The funds - amounting to €a585,799.00 - will be allocated to specialized tutoring services, study aids, and structural interventions.


Report on the Quality Assurance System 2023
The Report on the University Quality Assurance (QA) System delineates the design and self-assessment procedures enacted across Education, Research, and Third Mission domains, alongside the initiatives undertaken by the University Quality Office (PQA) and the organisational units of APPC and AFORM dedicated to QA processes. The document outlines the interventions planned for 2024, which include: the review of internal regulations following the approval of the new Statute; a new architecture of the University QA system; measures to promote and support student representation; new interventions to promote the QA of Departments, degree programmes, and PhD programmes; training courses on QA processes in the perspective of AVA3; changes to the composition of the PQA.


Guidelines for activating the double appointment procedure
Guidelines for the double appointment of professors and researchers to foreign universities or institutions have been introduced to promote international mobility and increase awareness of the rights and duties associated with the institution.

Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
The University presented its annual report to the Board of Governors, detailing the initiatives undertaken to promote gender balance in access to degree programmes and to foster respect and gender balance in all institutional activities across Departments and within Unibo. Specifically, the report included data on the following areas: work-life balance, organisational culture and combating stereotypes; gender balance in top positions and decision-making bodies; gender equality in recruitment and career progressions; gender mainstreaming in research and teaching programmes, training and cross-institutional capacity to relate; combating gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.

Staff programming
The Board of Governors authorised 67 procedures for the recruitment of teaching staff and laboratory technicians, requested by the Departments in the first 2024 planning round, for a total of 43.25 staff points. Of these, 32 are for temporary researchers, 13 for associate professors, 19 for full professors and 3 for technicians.


Amendments to the Electoral Regulations

Academic Senate Elections
A new regulation has been approved to govern the election of the components of the Heads of Departments, the Campus President, and the teaching, research, and administrative-technical staff in the Academic Senate, following recent statutory changes. The regulation, in addition to incorporating the composition of the Academic Senate dictated by the Statute, introduces innovations such as: the reduction of election announcement times; the definition of active and passive electoral eligibility for the new Campus President; the simplification of the composition of the Electoral Commission; the elimination of subscriptions for candidacies, replaced by a threshold of 10% of votes for all components of the Academic Senate; new rules for electoral silence; the adaptation of the electoral procedure to the remote online mode; the definition of the number of preferences that can be expressed by voters.

Board of Governors Elections
In line with the Statute amendments, regulations governing the election of five internal members and the selection of two external members to the Board of Governors have been updated. These new regulations define the constitution and duties of the Selection Committee, responsible for screening nominations for both internal and external components. Subsequently, three distinct candidate shortlists are compiled, each at least double the number of members to be appointed. For internal appointments, an electoral procedure ensues, while for external appointments, the Rector and the Sponsors' Committee each nominate a candidate for consideration by the Academic Senate.

University Student Representatives Elections
Lastly, amendments to the Regulations for the Elections of University Student Representatives were approved in response to recent changes to the articles of association. These amendments specifically address the election process for the student component in the Academic Senate, ensuring compliance with the requirement that at least one student representative in the Senate belongs to the third cycle, as mandated by the new Statute.

Model regulation for Departments
Approval has been given for modifications to the Department Regulations Model. Individual structures will base their operating regulations on these changes. Following the entry into force of the new Statute, these modifications introduce novelties, as the "Multi-year Departmental Strategic Plan". They also encompass participation methods in the new Interdepartmental Committees for education, in agreement with other Departments involved. Additionally, they involve direct activation, modification, and deactivation of first, second, and third-cycle study programmes, based on what is agreed upon in the Interdepartmental Committees. Furthermore, there's an introduction of distrust of the Heads Department. Functions of the Verbal Secretary are assigned to the Administrative Managerial Head of the Department, who is no longer a member of either the Department Council or the Board, where they can express an advisory vote. Appointment of Delegates for teaching, research, and third mission is the exclusive competence of the Council. Finally, there's the possibility for the Head of the Organizational Unit of the Seat (UOS) to be appointed by the Head of Department from among the teachers who are part of the same UOS.

Change of affiliation for the Department Life Quality Sciences (QUVI)
The QUVI Department moves from the scientific to the medical area, as the topics covered by the degree programmes at QUVI (well-being, sports, and health) are more closely related to the medical area and involve close collaboration among faculty members in the two areas.


Motion for immediate ceasefire in all conflicts
The Academic Senate has approved a motion for an immediate ceasefire in all conflicts. The document appeals to all international bodies to spare no effort to achieve the cessation of hostilities and calls for the opening of diplomatic channels and humanitarian corridors. It also includes academic aid for Palestinian students, researchers, and university professors. Furthermore, the approved motion urges the enhancement and consolidation of an ongoing process of assessing current collaborations, with particular attention to ethical procurement practices, aiming to prevent any behaviour that could potentially harm the image, reputation, and core values of the University.