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Home In Ateneo QS Ranking: University of Bologna Rises 21 Positions to 133rd in the World

QS Ranking: University of Bologna Rises 21 Positions to 133rd in the World

The University of Bologna climbs from 154th place last year to 133rd, its highest ranking since the inception of the international list. It also ranks first in Italy for Academic Reputation and Sustainability

In the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings, one of the most renowned and prestigious university rankings globally, the University of Bologna has reached the 133rd position out of over 1500 international institutions. This is its best ranking ever, marking a jump of 21 places compared to last year.

This achievement is due to an overall improvement across various indicators that constitute the ranking. Starting with Academic Reputation, the most significant factor in the final score, the University of Bologna ranks first in Italy and 69th in the world, climbing four positions from last year.

The University also holds the first place in Italy (and 108th globally) for the Sustainability indicator, and it achieved excellent results in the International Research Network indicator, ranking second in Italy and 56th in the world. Noteworthy improvements were also seen in the two indicators related to employment: Employment Outcomes and Employer Reputation.

This year, the ranking includes 1503 universities, of which 42 are Italian. Considering that QS evaluates over 5600 universities in total, the University of Bologna is thus among the top 2% of universities globally.