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Home Incontri e iniziative A summer at the “Museo delle Meraviglie” with the Malandrino & Veronica duo

A summer at the “Museo delle Meraviglie” with the Malandrino & Veronica duo

Three evenings a week, from 19 June to 2 August, visitors can enjoy guided tours of the Palazzo Poggi Museum. The tours start with the collections of naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi, continue through the works of Prospero Lambertini and Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, and conclude with an exciting finale dedicated to the battle of galleons

It will be a summer of wonders starting from 19 June, where audiences can experience at Palazzo Poggi Museum (Via Zamboni, 33 – Bologna), accompanied by the Malandrino & Veronica duo and actors Raffaella Silva and Maurizio Grano. Until 2 August, every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 9 PM, you can discover a place full of charm and the collections of the great scientists who animated the Institute of Sciences in the 18th century, in addition to the collection of the naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605).

Among preserved animals and woodcut tablets, terracotta obstetrics models and anatomical waxes, fortification tables, geographical maps, and ship models, the audience will uncover a true "Museum of Wonders".

The richness of the collections and the lives of the figures associated with Palazzo Poggi Museum have inspired Malandrino & Veronica to creatively express the profound value of this place in their own unique way. While meticulously respecting the history and events along the tour route, they will entertain audiences with some "variations on the theme" to inject the lively spirit typical of their show tours.

They will begin with the collection of Ulisse Aldrovandi, originally housed in the residence of the renowned naturalist and later integrated into the Institute of Sciences. "Malandrino & Veronica wondered, 'How could Francesca Fontana live with thousands of scattered artifacts throughout the house?'" This curiosity led them to create an unlikely husband-wife duet.

They will also address a series of current themes, such as the establishment of a midwifery school initiated by Giovanni Antonio Galli, enthusiastically supported by another forward-thinking figure: Cardinal Prospero Lambertini, future Pope Benedict XIV. The collection of terracotta uteri and fetuses will leave viewers amazed by the meticulous craftsmanship. Spectators can witness this artistry during the performance titled "The Birth".

Continuing the tour, the audience will encounter Prospero Lambertini and Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, founders of the Institute of Sciences, engaged in a dialogue on a timely theme: war.

The grand finale of this extraordinary journey through the “Museo delle Meraviglie” will be dedicated to the battle of galleons.

The “Museo delle Meraviglie”. The Institute of Sciences at Palazzo Poggi is part of Bologna Estate 2024, the program of activities promoted and coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna and the Metropolitan City of Bologna - Tourist Territory Bologna-Modena.

It is promoted by the Museum of Palazzo Poggi - University Museum System | University of Bologna, in collaboration with Teatro Laboratorio TP and with the support of the Monte di Bologna e Ravenna Foundation.

Il Museo delle Meraviglie. L'Istituto delle Scienze di Palazzo Poggi

dal 19 Giugno al 2 Agosto 2024

Museo di Palazzo Poggi (Via Zamboni, 33 - Bologna)

Ingresso con acquisto del biglietto

Fino al 2 agosto, tutti i mercoledì, giovedì e venerdì, alle ore 21, guidati dal duo Malandrino&Veronica e dagli attori Raffaella Silva e Maurizio Grano, si potrà andare alla scoperta di un luogo ricco di fascino e delle raccolte dei grandi scienziati che animarono l'Istituto delle Scienze nel Settecento, oltre alla collezione del naturalista Ulisse Aldrovandi. L'iniziativa fa parte di Bologna Estate 2024, il cartellone di attività promosso e coordinato dal Comune di Bologna e dalla Città metropolitana di Bologna - Territorio Turistico Bologna-Modena.

BIGLIETTI: Intero €20,00; Ridotto €18,00 (Giovani dai 20 ai 26 anni, over 65 anni, possessori tessera Card Cultura). Ridotto €10,00 (Giovani dai 7 ai 19 anni; studenti UNIBO, personale UNIBO); Omaggio: Bambini fino ai 6 anni.
