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A Unibo Professor from UniBo Wins the Antonio Feltrinelli Young Award for Geosciences

The prestigious award has been granted to Alberto Vitale Brovarone, Professor at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences, for his research on the deep cycles of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and the connections between deep geological processes and the origin of life

Alberto Vitale Brovarone, Professor at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Bologna, has won the Antonio Feltrinelli Young Award for Geosciences. The award ceremony took place in Rome at the National Academy of Lincei, with the President of the Italian Republic in attendance.

The Feltrinelli awards, known for their prestige and significant monetary value, are among the most coveted internationally and are often referred to as the "Italian Nobels". Established in 1942 through a bequest from entrepreneur and artist Antonio Feltrinelli, the awards aim to recognise individuals in Italy and around the world who have made significant contributions to the sciences and the arts.

Professor Vitale Brovarone was honoured for his research on the deep cycles of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and the relationships between deep geological processes and the origin of life. "These topics," the award citation reads, "have significant multidisciplinary implications in many fields, ranging from astrobiology to the exploration of renewable energy sources".