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Home Incontri e iniziative A Taste of India: A Multicultural Experience with Unibo Student Ambassadors

A Taste of India: A Multicultural Experience with Unibo Student Ambassadors

From clothing to cinema, including spices and traditional teas, this event was a journey to discover the colours, flavours, and traditions of India, featuring in-depth insights and interactive activities.

On Monday, 6 May, the event "A Taste of India: A Multicultural Experience" took place at the Belmeloro Complex of the University of Bologna. The event, dedicated to Indian culture, was organized and attended by Student Ambassadors from the University of Bologna. During the event, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the colours, flavours, and traditions of India through interactive activities and a series of insights into India's rich cultural heritage.

The initiative began with greetings from Professor Raffaella Campaner, Vice Rector for International Relations at the University of Bologna, followed by lectures from Saverio Marchignoli and Cristiana Natali, Professors at the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilizations.

Next, there was a presentation on traditional clothing led by Student Ambassador Aiswarya Varadarajan Nair, followed by a presentation on Indian cinema by Student Ambassador Nitish Kumar. The event also featured several interactive workshops: a Blind Spice Tour on led by Student Ambassador Amirdhavarshini Padmanabhan, a Tamil Writing activity led by Student Ambassador Kavya Thaniyarasu, and a showcase of the art of Indian rangoli by Student Ambassador Shubhra. There was also the opportunity to taste a traditional Kashmiri tea thanks to Student Ambassador Farhaan Zaidi Bhat.