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Emotional intelligence for individual and collective well-being

"We are Puzzle": a boot camp for students and professors, the result of the collaboration between the University of Bologna, the In Oratione Instantes Foundation and the University of Foggia, with the aim of exploring relational skills, in a hyper-connected world characterised by unprecedented social challenges, which paradoxically has led to extreme loneliness

Developing self-awareness, empathy and emotional management - key aspects of emotional intelligence - to navigate the complexities of the modern world. This is the objective of the "We Are Puzzle" boot camp, aimed at high school students, university students and professors of all levels. It will be held on 25 Saturday and 26 Sunday May at the Santa Cristina Complex of the University of Bologna's Department of the Arts; the result of a collaboration between the University of Bologna, the In Oratione Instantes Foundation and the University of Foggia.

At a time of unprecedented social challenges and a worrying increase in violence, in a world that is hyper-connected but paradoxically full of loneliness, the need to invest in Life Skills learning is urgent. 'Life skills', the set of social, cognitive and personal abilities that make people coping positively with the obstacles that life throws at them, are the key to individual and collective well-being.

The event will feature speakers of national calibre, who will not only enrich the programme with their knowledge, but also inspire with stories of transformation and innovation. Speakers for the University of Bologna will be Annarita Zazzaroni, Professor of Philology of Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, Stefano Zamagni, Professor of Political Economy and Elisa Farinacci, assistant professor at the Department of the Arts; Giusi Antonia Toto, Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Foggia; Beatrice Balsamo, psychoanalyst specialised in philosophy and expert in narration; Alfredo Altomonte, psychologist, psychotherapist, transactional analyst, logotherapist; Mimmo Armiento, psychologist and psychotherapist; Veronica Della Noce, coach and psychotherapist; Marco Gasparri, Managing Director of Aepi Industrie and President of the Imola Delegation of Confindustria; Matteo Maria Giordano, media educator; Salvo Noè, psychotherapist, writer and Rai1 consultant, and Adriano Tomba, General Secretary of the Cattolica Assicurazioni Foundation. In the closing plenary, Cardinal Matteo M. Zuppi, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) and Archbishop of Bologna, will share his thoughts on the importance of relationships in everyday life with students and professors.

It is important to attend the workshops that will be held on both days. Because of the limited number of places available, it is advisable to register online. The plenary sessions, the award ceremony for the best video and the musical event will take place on the evening of 25 Saturday May and will be open to the public.

Elisa Farinacci, assistant professor at the Department of the Arts University of Bologna, said: "The Department of the Arts of the University of Bologna is actively involved in the 'We are Puzzle' project, recognising the intrinsic social and human value that this initiative aims to promote. The main objective of this boot camp is to introduce young people to the world of media and the language of film, offering them a meaningful educational experience aimed at fostering an understanding of human emotions and the development of the collective imagination. Since its origins, cinematic narrative has been characterised by its ability not only to arouse emotions, but also to facilitate the exploration, recognition and understanding of their manifestations. By framing faces, zooming in on expressions and using soundtracks, cinema helps to shape our emotional landscape. The set of activities proposed by 'We are Puzzle' aims to creatively promote the development of emotional literacy, which today is a central mission of any educational institution, including the university world. Such literacy makes it possible to understand and manage emotions in an authentic way, helping to promote personal and relational well-being and hopefully leading to greater social cohesion."

We are puzzle

dal 25 al 26 Maggio 2024

ore: 09:00

Complesso di Santa Cristina - Dipartimento delle Arti , Via del Piombo, 5 - 40125 Bologna

Un bootacamp per studenti e insegnanti sulle Life Skills

Il Complesso di Santa Cristina diventerà il palcoscenico di un evento formativo rivoluzionario, progettato per studenti e docenti desiderosi di esplorare e potenziare le loro Life Skills in un mondo che richiede sempre più empatia, consapevolezza di sé e gestione delle emozioni. In collaborazione con le Università di Foggia e Bologna, relatori esperti di fama nazionale guideranno workshop, discussioni e attività pratiche, offrendo strumenti preziosi per il tuo sviluppo personale e professionale.
