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University Highlights: key resolutions - November 2024

Inclusive access of classrooms and student spaces for people with disabilities, the responsible and ethical use of Generative Artificial Intelligence, the prevention and fight against harassment and discrimination, staff planning for 2025, and the supplementary collective labour agreement for technical-administrative and managerial staff: these are some of the topics discussed during the University’s governing body meetings in November


Classroom accessibility for students with disabilities

The steps taken to enhance accessibility for students with disabilities have been outlined, including completed and ongoing measures. These include the addition of accessibility indicators in the U-planner classroom booking system, the installation of anthropometric tables, a specific emergency protocol for assisting students with disabilities, the inclusion of accessibility information in building risk assessments, enhanced signage, and improved communication with reception areas. Furthermore, the university websites will be updated to provide clearer details on facility access.

Work-related stress assessment

Following an assessment of work-related stress, which involved faculty, researchers, technical-administrative staff, and foreign language instructors, new initiatives will be introduced to improve workplace well-being. These initiatives include seminars and practical workshops to address workload intensity, managing change, and people management, as well as active breaks, guidelines for optimal work-hour management, support services for new employees, and efforts to highlight the contributions of both permanent and temporary staff in supporting the university’s research efforts.


Establishment of the University Energy Committee

The University has established a committee to oversee the implementation of its Energy Plan, coordinating operational activities with decision-making processes. The committee will include: the Delegates for Sustainability and Construction, the Energy Manager, and one representative each from the Board of Governors (CDA), CESIA, APAT, and students.


Guidelines for academic programme design for a.y.2025/2026

The guidelines for submitting proposals for new or redesigned degree programmes for the 2025/2026 A.Y. reflect changes introduced by the new University Statute. Key updates include the formation of a University Teaching Commission and interdepartmental committees to promote greater integration of departmental strategies in the definition of the overall academic offer of the Departments.

PhD Departmental Budget (BDD) for the 41st cycle

A total of €17,199,510 will be allocated to the Departments for PhD positions in the 41st cycle (2025/2026 A.Y.). Of this total, €16,613,448—equivalent to 255 standard three-year PhD scholarships—will be distributed through the Departmental PhD Budget (BDD). The allocation will be based on three factors: Historical Quota, Departmental Potential Quota, and Overall Merit Quota.

University policy on the ethical use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)

The new policy on the ethical, responsible, transparent, and informed use of Generative AI (GenAI) seeks to balance the use of this technology in teaching and research with the core values of the University.


Update to the Regulation for the University Research Evaluation Committee (CVRA)

The regulation governing the University Research Evaluation Committee (CVRA) has been updated to align with the new Statute, which introduces provisions regarding departmental delegations. The guidelines from AVA3 have also been adopted, assigning the University Quality Office with the task of ensuring the quality of PhD programmes.

Collaboration agreement between the University and the Carisbo Foundation

A new framework agreement for the 2024-2025 biennium has been signed with the Carisbo Foundation to continue collaborating on research initiatives and providing financial support to students. Through this new agreement, the Foundation will allocate up to €900,000 to support both student access to education and training and research, collaboration, and scientific exchange activities carried out by international scholars at the University of Bologna.


Health expense contributions for non-resident students a.y.2024/2025

It has been approved to provide financial assistance for health expenses through two separate funding competitions: one for first-, second- and single-cycle degree students, and one for third-cycle students. The contribution will amount to €1,000 for international non-EU students and €500 for students with Italian or EU citizenship, based on their position in the rankings.


Initiatives to increase enrollment of international students

To encourage international students to enrol in master’s programmes for the 2025/2026 a.y., the University has approved the establishment of 30 new two-year scholarships. These scholarships will offer a gross annual amount of €6,500, along with complete exemption from student fees.


International collaborations and networks

The University will sign a new collaboration agreement with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea) to facilitate mobility for students and faculty. Additionally, the University’s continued participation in a range of international networks has been confirmed: Coimbra Group Network, EUA - European University Association, EUA - CDE Council for Doctoral Education, IAU - International Association of Universities, UNIMED - Union of Mediterranean Universities, Utrecht Network, Uni Italia, SAR - Scholars at Risk, UniAdrion - Adriatic-Ionian Universities Network, Tassep, CUIA - Consortium of Italian Universities for Argentina, and Asia Institute.


Prevention of discrimination and harassment

A new regulation establishing the Code of Conduct for Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Sexual and Moral Harassment has been approved. This regulation also formalizes the role of the Confidential Counsellor, ensuring more effective measures to prevent harassment in the University’s academic and work environments. This update also aims to promptly incorporate statutory revisions, which have officially defined and solidified the role of the Confidential Counsellor as per the Statute. A broader revision of the regulation will be initiated in the coming months with the involvement of all University community.

Renewal of the Director General appointment

Dr Sabrina Luccarini’s appointment as Director General has been renewed until 31 December 2027. The proposal for renewal was put forward by the Rector due to the recognition of her work as Director General, as also demonstrated by the annual evaluations of results conducted by the Evaluation Board.

Collective Labor Agreement (CCIL) for technical-administrative staff

The proposed Collective Labor Agreement (CCIL) for technical-administrative staff has been approved, including the final signing by the public delegation. Notable updates include increased funding for 2024’s accessory pay, an increase in resources for the Risk and Discomfort Fund (FORD) allowance, and a provision for additional resources for organizational positions (PO) for Category D staff.

Collective Labor Agreement (CCIL) for executive staff

The CCIL for executive staff (2020-2024) has been approved, defining the amount and distribution of funds for position-related pay (which will increase in 2024 for the second tier) and performance bonuses. Additionally, the maximum percentage of 20% of executives being assigned the highest performance evaluations has been confirmed, with a pay increase of at least 30% compared to the average per capita allocation for this category.

Staff Planning for 2025

Fifty punti organico (staff points) have been allocated for the hiring of faculty, researchers, and technical-administrative staff for the 2024 A.Y. The evaluation for staff planning in 2025 will be deferred until January 2025, pending approval of the 2025 budget law. The measure aimed at technical-administrative staff has been authorized, allocating 7.6 punti organico for the hiring of 38 new concierge workers.


Programming of passive leases and other real estate agreements

The proposed programme for 2025, covering passive leases and other real estate agreements, has been presented. This includes leases that will either end or transition into loan agreements by December 2024, along with other leases set for renewal or termination in 2025, as well as agricultural leases and other real estate-related agreements.

All resolutions are available on Organi web and Intranet