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New Tools to Tackle Age-Based Discrimination

The Erasmus+ IMAGE project, in which the University of Bologna's Department of Management is participating, will develop a professional training course to provide human resource managers with useful tools to manage age differences in the workplace

The aim of the Erasmus+ project, named IMAGE (Upskilling Paths for HR Professionals to IMprove AGE Management), is to train human resource professionals by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary for managing age differences in the workplace. The project is co-funded by the European Commission, with the University of Bologna’s Department of Management as a partner.

The initiative will implement a professional education and training course to provide human resource managers with the necessary tools to address the specific needs of different age groups, promoting inclusive actions and preventing possible discrimination.

The research group will conduct a series of exploratory surveys, consulting professionals and experts in the field, analysing existing directives, regulations, and policies on this subject. Furthermore, they will gather the best examples of managing age differences in the workplace across Europe.

Through this analytical and data collection work, it will be possible to develop specific courses and training activities designed for human resource managers. In addition, scholars will create detailed guidelines for developing business strategies that promote inclusiveness for all age groups