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Life NatuReef at European Ocean Days in Brussels

The project aims to restore native oyster and sabellariid reefs at the mouth of the Bevano stream

LIFE NatuReef was selected by the European Union's DG mare (The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) as one of the projects to be presented during the European Ocean Days held in Brussels.

The LIFE NatuReef project was presented yesterday during the third day of the event, titled Where next for Europe’s Seas. It was created to restore native oyster and sabellariid reefs in Ravenna at the mouth of the Bevano stream.

“These reefs are natural biogenic structures that will be placed near and parallel to the beach - explains Professor Massimo Ponti, ecologist at the University of Bologna and project coordinator, together with Professor Renata Archetti, hydraulic engineer at the University of Bologna - The reef aims at the restoration of underwater habitats, enhancement of biodiversity, improvement of water quality and protection of the coast and coastal habitats from storm surges and erosion processes.”

The project is an example of nature helping and restoring nature itself, and it represents a laboratory of “best practices” applied for the first time in the Adriatic Sea. LIFE NatuReef project involves the University of Bologna, the city of Ravenna, the Flaminia Foundation, Po Delta Park, Proambiente S.c.r.l. and the Reef Check Italia ETS association.